Thursday, August 03, 2006


Can't sleep. Can't get my brain to shut off. Decided to add a couple more to WLIU, the public radio station that broadcasts out of the college formerly know as Southampton College. Also, Drug Digest. No, it's not a website for stoners. You can go to this page and punch in two medications and it will tell you if there is any interaction. I believe in being proactive regarding your health.

Saw "Scoop" tonight with my friend, Bonnie. Woody Allen's newest. Not even going into the whole marrying his step -daughter-ish, someone really needs to tell this man to stop making movies. The acting ranged from mediocre to awful, and I think the only one to blame is the director. Neither Scarlet Johansen nor Hugh Jackman were very good, when they have given exceptional performances in other movies. There were a few laughs, though, and some of them pretty obscure. I don't know what 'thing' Allen has about midgets...excuse me, little people (and how is that term not as offensive as midgets?), but in a scene where SJ and WA are talking, two little people walk by in the background. It was so out of context we started laughing and couldn't stop, like a couple of 14-year-olds. Later, Allen's character tries to remember a code by giving each number a of which was "12 spinning midgets."

I hope to see Lady in the Water soon. I know it got bad reviews. I keep going to Shamylan's films with high hopes that continue to be dashed. ALso, Pirates. But there were some really interesting films in the previews.

Well, back to bed to try to sleep.


Nan Patience said...

That's too bad about Woody Allen movie. One hopes for a new wonderful one from him, but alas... Glad you saw it for me.

Luna said...

I don't think there's been a good Woody one since Mighty Aphrodite. Saw "Match Point" and thought it was Hitchcock like---it was OK, but a bit long.

Shamaylan (spell??) has always disappointed me. I never "got" what the big deal was with him. "Signs"? Please. Never mind Mel Gibson being the actor.( Be sure to have that drink before you cart your 12 kids off to Latin mass and denounce the sinners all around you-don't even get me started on this guy)

Thinking of taking myself to see "Pirates". The kids and Mark have seen it already and,'s Johnny Depp, so, I have to go- even if its cheesy Johnny....I! Besides, the first one was so entertaining.

Are these blogs turning into one big incestual bulletin board, or what? Pretty cool.

TM said...

I really loved Six Sense (Shyamalan - I looked up the spelling), and I liked Unbreakable a lot. It was all downhill after that. It was like the whole point of his movies were to have a twist. Since Lady doesn't seem to have a twist, andit seems that it's a straight out fairy tale, I still have hope. I'll let you know. MyMan wants to see it, too, so I have to wait til he's not so busy.

I didn't see Match Point, but I heard it was good. I'd still like to check it out.

Do you use Netflix? It's a great way to see obscure movies you wouldn't ordinarily even hear about. I've got Anatomy of Hell, Amelie, Ghost World, The Machinist, Cache, and The Reckoning, to name a few, in my queue. Have you seen any of these?

Nan Patience said...

There's a way on Netflix to share your recommendations with friends...