Thursday, August 17, 2006

More, Please

While I am not happy about the way age has changed my metabolism (I used to be able to eat all I wanted and still be more!), I do like the interior changes. I seem to have more patience, I'm able to handle change (life's one constant) better, I know what I want and who I am. I've been subscribing to More magazine (see new link) for a few years now, since I first discovered it. A magazine for women over 40. Great articles, fashion, advice, etc. The usual, but without those seamless young faces staring out from the pages. More's models are more weathered, but just as beautiful. Anyway, there is an interview with Jamie Lee Curtis, who seems to me like she would be a really cool girlfriend. She wrote a poem for More, and I wanted to share it here. It's exactly the way I feel. So, here's to all my female friends, my sis, and my beloved late mom:

Ode to women
by Jamie Lee Curtis

If indeed it’s a race
Then the chicks do the most
It isn’t a brag
Or an estrogen boast
It’s the women who’ve led me
With big open hearts
If not for their love
I’d have failed at the start
And it’s not just the mothers
I speak of them all
It’s a woman there first
When somebody falls
The multi of tasking
That’s easy to tease
I dare a great man
To try it all, PLEASE!
So this is my shout out
My rallying cry
To women all over
I hold you up high
And though there are others
Who’ll think this poem strange
It’s the women who plant
The root of big change

1 comment:

TM said...

Yeah, I am audtioning for Crimes of the Heart tomorrow. Good luck to us both!