Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Say It's Possible"

People from around the world filmed themselves and sent their videos to Terra Naomi, a singer songwriter who posts on YouTube. She asked everyone to answer the question "what would you do/want if anything were possible?" in three words or less. "This project is a true reflection of what we can do together." And the song is beautiful.

How would you answer?


Luna said...

OK, after some long thought (folding laundry kind of thought), If I could change anything--and we're really wishing here--I originally thought money should be elminated.

Then, I realized that even without money, humans would most likely hoard things like twigs and stones, and, eventually, there's be some kind of currency. Simply eliminating money would probably not be effective.

That said, I would like to remove greed from humanity. I certainly believe that money (wanting more of it, or not having enough of it) is a huge cause of suffering on this planet-and communism doesn't work, because of innate greed.

There's my wish-for-anything-reressed-hippie coming out. hey man-you said ANYTHING!!!!

TM said...

Far out, man. A most excellent wish. :) I will divulge mine in a few days. But if allowed several, that would one of mine, too.

Nan Patience said...

Eliminate greed. I like that.

Eliminate pain and suffering.

Nan Patience said...

By the way, Toni, pretty neat the way you added the iTube graphic into your blog, you clever, clever girl.

TM said...

Thanks you two!