Carrying around a grudge can really drag us down. It gets heavier with time. After a while, we get used to the weight, almost dependent on it. But when we allow ourselves to let go of that grudge, that anger, our load (and lordy knows we all have a load to carry around in this life) is suddenly lighter. It might be weird, it might even be uncomfortable at first. But believe the long run, it's WAY better. And yes, I am speaking from experience (said the old woman).
This beautiful "subtitled" music video says it all. I defy you not to cry.
This Picture
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
WASH your cat??
Cute and funny video on how to wash a cat for my cat-loving friends out there. The note attached to it at the site reads:
Instructional Video on how to wash a cat. The cat is stuffed folks. Relax, I wouldn't hurt my babies. And PS, If you've never owned a persian then you are not aware they get crap stuck in their fur and can't get it out alone.
Kitty Bath
Instructional Video on how to wash a cat. The cat is stuffed folks. Relax, I wouldn't hurt my babies. And PS, If you've never owned a persian then you are not aware they get crap stuck in their fur and can't get it out alone.
Kitty Bath
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Another Shout Out
I have to point the way to yet another blog post. Back At the Ranch, my buddy Nancy's blog, is always a good one to visit, but she just posted a really well-written post, the subject being "Greatness." Check it out.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Uh Oh. Religion.
Got proof?
I love this guy! Whether you agree with him or not, he sure talks perty. And a most of the time, I think he makes a lot of sense. And...he has a knack for sparking some great debates. I've been watching his videos for about 8 months now, and just when I think I have him figured out, he surprises me. But I'm curious...what do YOU think? Oh, and make sure you watch it to the end...he weighs in on the whole Saddam hanging/death penalty issue.
I love this guy! Whether you agree with him or not, he sure talks perty. And a most of the time, I think he makes a lot of sense. And...he has a knack for sparking some great debates. I've been watching his videos for about 8 months now, and just when I think I have him figured out, he surprises me. But I'm curious...what do YOU think? Oh, and make sure you watch it to the end...he weighs in on the whole Saddam hanging/death penalty issue.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Fifteen Seconds
My Fave website has this contest running now in cooperation with Make a video - if you had 15 seconds to tell the world WHATEVER YOU WANT - what would it be. Of course, it has to be g-rated for tv. But there are some really cool entries. I am going to post a couple of MY favorites here each week. Here are two:
and my favorite little "talking" cat, Loki, did this one on racisim that is just perfection:
and my favorite little "talking" cat, Loki, did this one on racisim that is just perfection:
See Life of a LunaChick's "Bizzaro-World"
Wow! We totally agree here! ;) Although the subject of the death penalty is riddled with controversy. I myself have never been able to take a real stand on it. On the one hand, I don't think I could ever bring myself to kill anyone, yet I now know with certainty that if anyone tried to physically harm or kill me or children, grandson, husband, heck, anyone I love dearly, I would fight back with no thought as to whether the result of that fighting would be the death of my/our attacker. Not a glimmer of a thought, before or after. But I really don't think I could sit on a jury and hand down a death sentence to someone no matter how heinous a crime, as I pretty much don't believe I or anyone else have the right to decide who lives or dies. My faith leans towards Buddism, and karma. Which has always been helpful in my own healing, since I could always take comfort in the belief that "what goes around, comes around."
But, yes, hmm, a "botched" execution. Please. I get what you mean, Lunachick, about any execution being "painful," since the time leading up to it would be, well, I can't even imagine. But if they wanted an even remotely "humane" execution, they wouldn't have selected hanging in the first place! I always thought injection was pretty humane. I mean, that's what they do with animals when they put them down. But (despite my personal beliefs) that just seems too good for some people when you weigh their crimes. Especially those who commit horrible crimes against the weak and helpless, like children or the infirm.
Okay, now I'm working myself up. Anyway, check out Lunachick's post. She is very good at expressing herself, and on this issue, she says it best.
Wow! We totally agree here! ;) Although the subject of the death penalty is riddled with controversy. I myself have never been able to take a real stand on it. On the one hand, I don't think I could ever bring myself to kill anyone, yet I now know with certainty that if anyone tried to physically harm or kill me or children, grandson, husband, heck, anyone I love dearly, I would fight back with no thought as to whether the result of that fighting would be the death of my/our attacker. Not a glimmer of a thought, before or after. But I really don't think I could sit on a jury and hand down a death sentence to someone no matter how heinous a crime, as I pretty much don't believe I or anyone else have the right to decide who lives or dies. My faith leans towards Buddism, and karma. Which has always been helpful in my own healing, since I could always take comfort in the belief that "what goes around, comes around."
But, yes, hmm, a "botched" execution. Please. I get what you mean, Lunachick, about any execution being "painful," since the time leading up to it would be, well, I can't even imagine. But if they wanted an even remotely "humane" execution, they wouldn't have selected hanging in the first place! I always thought injection was pretty humane. I mean, that's what they do with animals when they put them down. But (despite my personal beliefs) that just seems too good for some people when you weigh their crimes. Especially those who commit horrible crimes against the weak and helpless, like children or the infirm.
Okay, now I'm working myself up. Anyway, check out Lunachick's post. She is very good at expressing herself, and on this issue, she says it best.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
My Wish
Okay, well, I've been thinking on this a lot. Every time I came up with something, I thought of something that needed to happen first for that wish to happen. Like Lunachick - money could be eliminated, but greed needed to be eliminated first. Someone else said Peace on earth. But something else needed to happen before that. And i guess, in a fantasy world, we don't deed to worry about such things, but I think I went right to the source. For all the crappy things to disappear, one thing, I think, needs to happen first. Unfortunately, while I happen to be a "dopeless hope fiend," I'm not too confident this will ever happen, but if I could wish for one thing in three words or less, it would be "enlightenment for humanity." I believe all goo things would stem from that. And I'm not talking religion. Okay, sticks, stones, cards, and letters, bring 'em on. :)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
"Say It's Possible"
People from around the world filmed themselves and sent their videos to Terra Naomi, a singer songwriter who posts on YouTube. She asked everyone to answer the question "what would you do/want if anything were possible?" in three words or less. "This project is a true reflection of what we can do together." And the song is beautiful.
How would you answer?
How would you answer?
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year 2007
Well, despite our best efforts, 2007 has arrived. I've been thinking a lot about this fresh, new year spread out before us. For me, the dawning of January first has always been like opening a brand new notebook on the first day of school. The clean, unmarked white pages just waiting to be written on, full of potential, full of what I might write on them. What I could create from nothing but my own imagination.
So, here I sit at my keyboard. I had my usual breakfast. I have my brand new Christmas iPod nano on with headphones listening to my songs on shuffle - having just finished a Nellie McKay song, who Nancy and I discovered around the same time, each on our own, and now Cousteau is singing She Don't Hear Your Prayer (if you haven't discovered them yet, DO look 'em up - you'll thank me - two words UNIQUE and FLUGLEHORN). Jack just left the room. My cat. The one peering out at you at the top of this page. My house is in a holiday shambles and I am about to tackle it this afternoon.
But it's raining and gloomy outside. How inhospitable 2007 is being right off the bat. I mean, at least welcome us with a little sunshine. And if there must be precipitation, Baby New Year, you could at least convince Mother Nature to give us a little SNOW! Just enough to go with that wilting Christmas tree in my living room that now has to stay up until the next dry day. I could put on Christmas music and pretend I'm having a white one.
Ah, now Elton is crooning Your Song in my ears. What a sweet and simple song. I'd forgotten the beauty of listening to music with headphones...the nuances you catch.
Apparently this is turning out to be a streamofconsciousness post. Oooh. Sunshine of Your Love by Cream. Okay...before your time? Eric Clapton on the upswing. Huh, also apparently, I will be updating you on the soundtrack.
Anyway, back to new years. Do you have any resolutions? I'd given up resolutions long ago. I call them goals. Less intimidating. My life has been kind of divided into many, many sections, but most recently, it's before the assault 2 years ago (BA) and after (AA). Here are some of mine.
1) To get organized again. I was so organized BA. It's time to reclaim some things. Organization is one of 'em.
2) Lose this damn weight I gained AA. MyMan and I are off on a low-carb, lower cal diet. I sure hope this works. I've got at least 40 lbs to lose. Also, to walk the dog every day for both our sakes.
**soundtrack alert - Billy Holiday - Embraceable You
3) We are downgrading our television service to save $$. SO - I plan to read more, and I'm actually going to try to knit again. This should be interesting.
4) Work on that book (this one is on every year's goal list - I didn't want it to feel left out)
5) Get some query letters out to some mags
6) Have D&ME shows in at least three venues every month by next January
7) Spend just a tiny bit less time watching youtube. Maybe. But it's so FASCINATING.
8) Mediate at least 5 minutes every day
Okay...those are the only goals I care to share. I have others, but they are only for me and myman.
ooh ooh - now it's Shivaree doing Good Night Moon. Have you ever heard this group? Check them out!
I got some buttons from Northern Sun that speak for or to me. Here are some: "Did you ever stop to think and forget to start?" ""Optimistic - even in the face of reality" "Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult" "Stay in the moment- Damn, it's gone" Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich" and a favorite - "Another dopeless hope fiend"
This is fun...just writing whatever comes into my head. I have no idea how fun it will be to read. But it's probably all just a ploy to put off cleaning. Which makes me think I've got to get going. We actually stayed up until 3am last night. Got up at the ungodly hour of 10am and time's awastin'. So I will leave you with a question and a wish:
We all wish for world peace in the year - that's (should be) a given. What do you hope for yourself?
I wish for you all a safe, healthy, joyous, low-stress, prosperous, peaceful, fulfilling, productive, lesson-filled, love-filled, happy 2007. Pay it forward.
So, here I sit at my keyboard. I had my usual breakfast. I have my brand new Christmas iPod nano on with headphones listening to my songs on shuffle - having just finished a Nellie McKay song, who Nancy and I discovered around the same time, each on our own, and now Cousteau is singing She Don't Hear Your Prayer (if you haven't discovered them yet, DO look 'em up - you'll thank me - two words UNIQUE and FLUGLEHORN). Jack just left the room. My cat. The one peering out at you at the top of this page. My house is in a holiday shambles and I am about to tackle it this afternoon.
But it's raining and gloomy outside. How inhospitable 2007 is being right off the bat. I mean, at least welcome us with a little sunshine. And if there must be precipitation, Baby New Year, you could at least convince Mother Nature to give us a little SNOW! Just enough to go with that wilting Christmas tree in my living room that now has to stay up until the next dry day. I could put on Christmas music and pretend I'm having a white one.
Ah, now Elton is crooning Your Song in my ears. What a sweet and simple song. I'd forgotten the beauty of listening to music with headphones...the nuances you catch.
Apparently this is turning out to be a streamofconsciousness post. Oooh. Sunshine of Your Love by Cream. Okay...before your time? Eric Clapton on the upswing. Huh, also apparently, I will be updating you on the soundtrack.
Anyway, back to new years. Do you have any resolutions? I'd given up resolutions long ago. I call them goals. Less intimidating. My life has been kind of divided into many, many sections, but most recently, it's before the assault 2 years ago (BA) and after (AA). Here are some of mine.
1) To get organized again. I was so organized BA. It's time to reclaim some things. Organization is one of 'em.
2) Lose this damn weight I gained AA. MyMan and I are off on a low-carb, lower cal diet. I sure hope this works. I've got at least 40 lbs to lose. Also, to walk the dog every day for both our sakes.
**soundtrack alert - Billy Holiday - Embraceable You
3) We are downgrading our television service to save $$. SO - I plan to read more, and I'm actually going to try to knit again. This should be interesting.
4) Work on that book (this one is on every year's goal list - I didn't want it to feel left out)
5) Get some query letters out to some mags
6) Have D&ME shows in at least three venues every month by next January
7) Spend just a tiny bit less time watching youtube. Maybe. But it's so FASCINATING.
8) Mediate at least 5 minutes every day
Okay...those are the only goals I care to share. I have others, but they are only for me and myman.
ooh ooh - now it's Shivaree doing Good Night Moon. Have you ever heard this group? Check them out!
I got some buttons from Northern Sun that speak for or to me. Here are some: "Did you ever stop to think and forget to start?" ""Optimistic - even in the face of reality" "Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult" "Stay in the moment- Damn, it's gone" Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich" and a favorite - "Another dopeless hope fiend"
This is fun...just writing whatever comes into my head. I have no idea how fun it will be to read. But it's probably all just a ploy to put off cleaning. Which makes me think I've got to get going. We actually stayed up until 3am last night. Got up at the ungodly hour of 10am and time's awastin'. So I will leave you with a question and a wish:
We all wish for world peace in the year - that's (should be) a given. What do you hope for yourself?
I wish for you all a safe, healthy, joyous, low-stress, prosperous, peaceful, fulfilling, productive, lesson-filled, love-filled, happy 2007. Pay it forward.
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