Sunday, October 01, 2006

A New World

I am not, by a long shot, considered a youth anymore...just stillbarely middle-aged. So it's probably not a suprise that I've only just discovered It is the world of blogs, video parodies, video everything, and mostly inhabited, it seems, by teens and 20-somethings. So, it was also not a surprise that I have just discovered lonelygirl15, a video blogger on youtube. Her earliest blog was this past June. An adorably cute young girl who goes by the name of Bree and is 16, homeschooled, and "very religious." I couldn't get enough of this kid's videos. Even as I was watching them, I wondered, "Is this all for real? Is this some kind of hoax?" She talked about how she was selected for this secretive religious ceremony, a huge honor and so exclusive that her parents wouldn't even be there. She talked about sneaking out of the house to go to a party ("my first!"). She shared the drama of her first boyfriend, who seemed like a creep, but who seemed to be trying to get her away from what sounded more and more like a cult-ish religion.

Well, it was NOT real. Two guys (funny, it never occurred to me that SHE might have invented lonelygirl15) held auditions that they posted on craigslist, hired her, and began this series of video blogs. As a matter of fact, my suspicions were confirmed online, when an interview with her on the Jay Leno show was posted, along with another interviews of her and one of the creators of the "show." He said that the plotline was developed based on the input from viewers who got caught up in the angst of this young character. All I can say is GENIUS! It's unfortunate that they came clean, because the whole mystery of is she or is she not for real added to the enjoyment of the blogs, but I'll still tune in to see what happens. It's a new art-form, beyond reality shows...audience interactive drama."

I also like youtube because it's so interesting to see what people will share about themselves on video to the world, and for the hilarious videos...go there and search "cats" and be prepared to laugh hard and long.


Nan Patience said...

The link you sent me of the guy who walked around a city holding up a big sign that said "FREE HUGS" choked me up. I agree the videos on youtube are interesting. It's an interesting new art form, I think, as are blogs in a way.

The lonely girl one I don't care for. A teenage girl in her bedroom sharing her secrets. There are just too many creeps in the world to make that anything but scary, especially on the internet. It's sort of a relief that it's not for real. The stuff from kids on MySpace is also scary.

It's bad enough, us old farts farting around on the world wild web. Danger!

I see you're thoroughly addicted to the computer, like I am, like so many of us. Should we form a society? Internet Idiots? Web Wellians? Computer Cooters?

Maroon and gold are good colors:
two four six eight,
who do we appreciate?
Maroon and gold,
maroon and gold,
they don't mold.

Natasha Beccaria said...

Ha. Youre not as old as you think Toni. I have never heard of Youtube, but my next www visit will be just that. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for your comments on my blog.