Monday, October 16, 2006


As you may or may not know, I've become hooked on youtube lately. It's truly amazing what people will put online for the world to see. A lot of it is simply dreadful or boring, but there is also quite a lot that is hilarious. My current favorites are listed below. Enjoy!

Where the hell is Matt? this video was made by a guy from Australia who saved up for a few years, quit his job and went around the world. He recorded himself dancing in every country. This is somehow very uplifting. Please check it out:

Remember the guy who played Biff inthe Back to the Future movies? He's a stand up comedian, too. Here is a hilarious song he performs about everyone bugging him with questions about the movies.

These two guys are brilliant. This isn't the BEST sample of their video antics, but it's the best short one. Look 'em up on youtube under "nobody's watching."

Watch the car in this very closely!


Luna said...

Toni- I LOVED that one from the Back to the Future guy. Very funny. thanks

Natasha Beccaria said...

Toni... omg. I loved the Biff video. Then of course once i was on there, i became hooked. Have tou seen FREE HUGS? I am going to post it on my blog. It made my week.

j-m said...

Thank you so much for Matt...I don't know why, but I had this double-edged reaction...part of me wanted to laugh out loud, esp. at the elephants, and the cute kids in Rwanda, and part of me just wanted to cry at the underlying message...some of those places are awfully significant to be dancing in front of. I loved this! And the music, too...I don't know why, but it just touched me.

TM said...

I know...that song by Biff is hilarious. I can't watch it without laughing out loud. And the Matt video moves me, too, jean-marie. Another one like that - - also really gives me the chills. There really are special people in this world.