After what seems like a couple of gloomy rainy days, but what I THINK was really only one day, (right?), the sun is shining! Even though it's still ridiculously cold out, it feels good to have sun shining through my windows, and when I logged on this morning to check out to see what and if my fellow bloggers posted, I just had the urge to "redesign" for the spring. I wish we had more options, though.
The past few weeks, I have been itchin' with an itch that is just not normal. Well, not for me, anyway. As soon as the weather is warm enough for windows to be open, I am doing a serious spring cleaning. I plan on starting three big piles: Keep, Giveaway, Throwaway. I have so much STUFF that I don't use, wear, read, look at, or whatever, and this old house could use some nice empty SPACE. Removing the clutter in my home will perhaps remove the clutter from my brain? I think that is going to be my mantra for the spring..."I need space!"
Love this post! Boy can I relate. Love the cosmic image and new template, too.
Ditto on the template, Toni. Time for rebirth-this springtime thing is.
I'm excited for what this new look will bring with it. Kinda like when a chick changes her hair color.
Watch Out! :)
oh yeah-Toni, feel free to fling those unwanted books this way (anything good, of course). I may have some for you as well.
Talk about cleaning. I took half a day on Monday because had this overwhelming urge to go through my storage unit. I felt SO much better afterwards and I am glad i took the time off. I dont think i would have been able to work efficiently or effectively otherwise.
Throwing things away brings such peace to my soul.
Sayville Fire Department is having a garage sale - fundraiser. Its a bit of a hike for your guys, but its for a good cause. Get rid of your @#$^#E%$#%! ha.
OH! And Toni... beware... Noreaster coming our way on Sunday. I hope it holds off... i am moving some of my furniture tomorrow.
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