Sunday, November 12, 2006
Musings on the "Forbidden Topic"
Nancy's (Back at the Ranch) mention of a memorial service/party she attended today inspired this post. People are so odd. The only thing we can be sure of in this life is that we will eventually die (forget taxes, rich folks can evade 'em), and it's the one thing most people refuse to talk or think about. But the more you talk/think about something, even when you cannot come to any conclusive determination, the easier it is to face, because after all that thinking and talking, one usually has come to a kind of acceptance, I think. At least, I have. I think it's important that, when someone you love is dying and if they are willing, you talk to them about it. Believe me, I've been there and it does help. I hope that if I am blessed with the gift of dying in my bed with some notice, that my loved ones won't tip toe around and ignore the fact that I am dying. Faith is a comfort in these times, too. I may not believe in the more accepted Western religions, but I do believe that our spirits or souls live beyond our bodies. I don't know how I could survive without believing that. I know people who think that once you die, that's more. Yikes! I'd be terrified of death! I don't know how anyone can look around at the wonders of nature and space and even our own human bodies and not believe that we have to be a part of a plan, of something bigger. What that plan is may be beyond our understanding, but that doesn't mean its not there. I myself believe in reincarnation. I know, that may go against a lot of people's beliefs, but all I can say is I know I've been here before. It's my truth. It's not a belief. I've known it since I was little. I have no idea if I will be back, but I sure hope not. But, according to the religion that is nearest to own my beliefs, Buddhism, there is no way that I have achieved enlightenment, so I guess I will be back to continue to learn what I need to learn until I have, and can finally become one with all, or God, or the Universal Mind, or whatever you want to call it/him/her. I got a long way to go and lots to learn. Well, the blogs I read regularly here have really gotten into politics lately. I wonder where it would go if we got into faith/religion/science? I read a few years ago that quantum physicists say they are getting very close to proving the existence of a god - meaning the existence of an architect of the reality we know. I find all that fascinating. You?
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I'm with you-I've definitely been here before, without a doubt. I don't know that I'm doing any better, I have a sneaking suspicion I'm a repeat offender.
An architect of our existence huh? I don't know about that. I think there's something cosmic going on, and that actions and reactions connect us all, but the supreme being thing, not so sure. I am married to a pure atheist, so, I am familiar with that perspective, though I don't know that it's my own. That's just it. I always say --I don't know, and neither do you, so who's to say which opinion is "right".
The thought that we're like chess pieces in some matrix-like creation is a bit much for me.
Ever see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?". I love how they keep finding each other, they keep doing the same things, even though they try to erase their memories and get away from one another. This is the kind of philosophy I have about life. Those cosmic forces at work again. Why fight it? Pay attention to it, because more often than not, it's for a reason.
That's about as religious as I get-my kids and I are Unitarian--if we have to put a label on us.
Good post. Good thoughts.
I might have been a bunny once.
LC - Yeah, I waver on whether or not there is an actual "god." Yes, I saw that movie and loved it. Have you read Many Lives, Many Masters, by Dr. Brian Weiss? Fascinating, short book by a clinical psychiatrist sho didn't believe in reincarnation until he got this one patient. Now he does past life regression therapy. He says it works whether you believe in past lives or not.
Nancy - wise guy! :) That's actually something i have a hard time with. I find it hard to believe that we human souls are interchangeable with animal souls. But that's my issue. I had a hard time believing we chose the life we were to live until I read that book. The explanation made so much sense that now I do believe. One way or another, whatever you believe, having faith in something makes life easier to live in the long run.
Oooh...I met Brian Weiss,and I had the opportunity to see him in action (Omega conference) his stuff is pretty neat.
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