Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Vision Statement

Have you heard of The Secret? How about manifestation technology? I'm sure you've heard of positive visualization. These are all pretty much the same things, but basically, it boils down to creating your own reality through the untapped power of the brain. We have the ability to make something happen simply by believing it.

Whether you buy into this or not, the concept is nothing if not provocative. If you have about 15 minutes, get a cup of tea or coffee and click to this link. Watch both video clips. Myself? I buy it. I just think that, sadly, it's easier for most people to poo-poo this idea and sit and complain about the way things are than to admit this could work, go ahead and imagine what it would be like if things were better and focus all their/our energy on that.

Malcolm Cohan

I'd really like to hear what you think after you watch these.

If this really grabbed you like it did me, you can go to this link below, click on "friends" and you can see the videos that people made in response to Malcolm's suggestion.



Luna said...

ok-this is interesting Toni. I had to get past the "motivational speaker" quality of the guy. I really don't like that crap-at all. There's something very phony about it to me. But anyway.....

The funny part of it all was that while I was watching the idea, I started thinking that probably what's REALLY beneficial about the project is not so much the visual product amd "subliminal" messages. What's probably the best thing about it is that it forces you to quantify what it is that you want-what you really want. Most of us don't do that.

Then I was smiling as the guy said almost the same thing at the end of the clip.

So, again, I think the idea is a good one as far as promoting personal growth. The media used is immaterial. It's the same idea as those little post-its they tell you to put all over the house when you try to quit smoking. "I feel so much healthier now that I'm not smoking". Same thing, different medium.

It's a kind of hypnosis-albeit behavioral, which is open to debate regarding its effectiveness. When I went for my hypnotherapy certification many moons ago, this was a HUGE bone of contention within the theraputic community. Personally, I think behavioral stuff does have a place in promoting change, though I'm not sure its enough all by itself.

I could go on for days. Thanks for this.

Lady Guru said...

law of attraction: like attracts like.

... and he goes on to point out that eventually we realize that when we really allow ourselves to go deeper into our truth - our purpose, we discover an innate desire to give back or "make a difference". i think ultimately the hope with all of this "behavioral stuff" or inner exploration, is that we start to get a sense of how we are all connected, how we can help each other and what the power of that energy can do to make positive things happen in this world. i think it's hopeful.

TM said...

Now see, Luna..I am very wary of that phony "snake oil salesman" type, myself, and I didn't get that from him at all! hmmm Did you watch the second vid?

I agree, Lady Guru. I think it's very hopeful. Thanks for your input!

And watching the videos that others made of their own Vision was very moving.

Luna said...

Yeah-Toni-it's not the "snake-oil" vibe-it's the "brainwashed-life's the BEST" thing that's creeping me out. Like he just came out of a Landmark seminar.

In general, I find myself to be very vibe-y, and although I am able to get along fine with someone even if the initial vibes weren't good, I find that more often than not, my initial feeling about someone is right on. It's not neccessarily a bad thing.

It's not always in the negative either. My husband says I have the senses of an animal in the wild.

So, coming back to the guy....there's something artificial there that puts my back up. Doesn't mean he isn't making good points or posessing a good idea. I just wouldn't want to have coffee with him, ya know?

Nan Patience said...

When I click on malcolm c's link, it takes me nowhere... is it just me? I wasn't meant to know the secrets of visualization.

TM said...

I don't know what happened...but I fixed it. :) Nice name, dontcha think, Nancy?

Nan Patience said...

Thanks, TM.

Hmm, dunno. Seems like a lot of effort. I'm basically a lazy person who likes to bitch about what comes my way.