Thursday, February 22, 2007


I just wanted to give a shout out to my sister...I've added her new blogsite to my Links section - "Lady Guru." Karen is a very talented artist, in more ways than one. Check out her blog if you have a may find it different and interesting. Artsy-fartsy runs in the family :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Vision Statement

Have you heard of The Secret? How about manifestation technology? I'm sure you've heard of positive visualization. These are all pretty much the same things, but basically, it boils down to creating your own reality through the untapped power of the brain. We have the ability to make something happen simply by believing it.

Whether you buy into this or not, the concept is nothing if not provocative. If you have about 15 minutes, get a cup of tea or coffee and click to this link. Watch both video clips. Myself? I buy it. I just think that, sadly, it's easier for most people to poo-poo this idea and sit and complain about the way things are than to admit this could work, go ahead and imagine what it would be like if things were better and focus all their/our energy on that.

Malcolm Cohan

I'd really like to hear what you think after you watch these.

If this really grabbed you like it did me, you can go to this link below, click on "friends" and you can see the videos that people made in response to Malcolm's suggestion.


Monday, February 19, 2007

And now, on the positive side of humanity

Okay, this seems pretty bizarre, but here is an article I ran across online about how we may be able to help people who have lost not only a digit, but even a limb. I call that amazing and wonderful. It may seem frivolous, but I'm sure it sounds like a gift from heaven to that person who has lost a finger or limb in an accident. The way they do it? Okay, I guess it's fair game for one of those debates we've been talking about...

Science Finds New Way to Regrow Fingers!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Wow, that last topic really pushed some peoples' buttons...which brings me to another topic that I discussed with a friend on the way to a concert this afternoon. I was on my way to Sag Harbor to get some Sunday cultchuh...classical music and original compositions by a composer friend.

Anyway, we talked about this topic below, the media, and the buttons it pushed, which led our conversation to how it has often been noted that one should never discuss politics and religion (especially when you don't know the other people's leanings). My friend said that her boyfriend recently bemoaned the dwindling opportunity for people to do just that without practically coming to blows, and I agree with him. I was raised in a loud Italian family that argued and debated ideas at dinnertime. Maybe it wasn't so great for the digestion, but what it did give me was the ability to listen to other people's opinions with an open mind and, if not respect those opinions, then certainly respect the right of that person to HAVE and VOICE those opinions. It's not really a problem for me to discuss a potentially volatile topic and walk away agreeing to disagree. I don't become enraged when I can't make you change your mind and agree with me, and I don't hate you for not agreeing with me. Okay, so MAYBE you'd annoy me some...I'm not saying I'm perfect here. I'm just saying that's the way I am, coming from my background. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if we never discuss important things in life, if we never share our opinions and concerns and beliefs, and more importantly, if we never LISTEN to others' opinions and concerns and beliefs, how can we ever begin moving towards understanding others and ourselves, which is the first step, I think, towards tolerance, and ultimately peace. Okay, am I just talking out of me arse here?

ANYWAY, so, here is another question... if everyone could learn to join together in a heated debate and still walk away, if not friends, at least agreeing to disagree, would peace be more easily reached on a global level? I guess the easy answer would be yes, but is that even possible anymore? Are we too far gone for that?

As for here in this blogdom, I enjoy reading everyone's opinions and personal takes on issues. It certainly has given me perspectives I otherwise may not have had, and I learn alot, so thanks for letting me be a part of the neighborhood!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

About A Boy...and the Media

Once again, Lunachick has posted an eloquent rant on one of the (many) things that are currently wrong with society, this time related to the parents of the Missouri boy missing for missing for 4 years who was recently found. His parents brought him on Oprah. I responded to her site. You can read her post at the link here:

Life of a Lunachick

Lunachick wrote: We live in a society where the media rules.

I wrote" The media rules? Does a bear **** in the woods?

Now I would like to pose a two-part question: If the media rules...
1) Who gave them their power?
2) How did it happen?

Tawk amongst yahselves...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

St. Valentine's Day vs St. Gregor's Day

Another interesting post on YouTube, but instead of imbedding it here, I will just put the link

It is from a young woman from, as she says, Slovenia. She compares her country's holiday, St. Gregor's Day, which celebrates the days getting longer again in the spring, and it is also the "day the birds get married." And just 4 years ago, no one ever heard about St. Valentine's Day there. And how absurd it is to have one day to tell someone you love them. And spend money. And how American it is. You Tube. Live Video. Revver. They really are making this world smaller. And expanding our ability to see ourselves from the outside on a one-to-one basis. A real global community.

That being said, I don't think that anything to do with remembering to be aware of love can be a bad thing. :)