Sunday, July 30, 2006

Technology, Music, and Ducks

I've gotten feedback that this format makes my blog hard to read. Did you have that problem? I've bolded my posts, maybe that will help, but I can't yet bold the rest. A friend who's been doing this for awhile is supposed to come over and help me, but this blog site is pretty easy...I've gotten THIS far on my own. And it's free!

So, it's Sunday morning and MyMan is HOME! So what am I doing in front of the computer? Hey, we all still need alone time, and we both have stuff that needs to be done. Anyway, this evening, we are going to a Ducks game. Believe it or not, I really enjoy these games, even though the last time, he got bonked on the head with a foul ball! It's so close, very clean, and way cheaper than the majors. It will be like a double date. We're meeting my good old friend Deb and her fiance, Christopher, who is a computer genius. It sure is handy to have a computer genius as a friend when you are plagued by 'puter problems. He's a very generous genius, too. Anyway, they are our Ducks buddies. Debbie and I eat one of everything they dogs, crackerjacks, ice's an important part of the whole live baseball game experience, dontcha know.

I bet you were wondering what ducks and technology had in common! What do you think of the Ducks (if you think of them at all), and about friends sharing their expertise.

Earlier, I was listening to an old favorite that I very nearly forgot - Al Stewart! Remember "Year of the Cat?" That isn't anywhere near his best song. It's really bringing back memories...mostly of my sister when she was a teenager. She turned me on to him. Now I'm listening to Low Millions. The lead singer is Adam Cohen, Leonard Cohen's son! His voice is his own, though at times reminiscent of his dad's. Now I need to get crackin' on those things that need to be done.


Luna said...

I just gotta say --I read your profile and your movie taste is top notch. Lost in Translation? THAT friggin movie stayed with me for WEEKS after I saw it(it's actually still with me). IN fact, I may have to go watch it again now that you've mentioned it. Love those movies that speak without talking. YESSSS!!!

Nan Patience said...

So who won, you or the Ducks?

TM said...

Phooey, the Duck lost. It was SO HOT!!!! We had seats about three rows behind the first bas dugout. THe sun glared on us until it went behind the stadium at aorund 7:30...the game ended at around 8:30. And yep, I had chicken tenders and fries, a Mikes hard lemonade (yummy), a bag of crackerjacks and a huge ice cream...and 2 bottles of water. Criminy! I bought a small wooden bat and a duck call for Zep.

Nan Patience said...

Holy smokes! Sounds like a great theme for your next party: Take Me Out To The Ball Game. We could all do a rounding chorus of the song. You could give out signed balls, and we could stuff ourselves with hot dogs and cracker jacks!