Sunday, October 14, 2007

Garlic Festival

Here are links to the vids I recorded at the Garlic Festival. In one of 'em, you can hear Nan Patience talking about the of the funniest things I hear all day!

Garlic Man

Garlic Festival Part Deux


Nan Patience said...

Wow! Coool.

Isn't there a law against driving while vlogging?

Hurray for Garlic Man!

Luna said...

Nice work, Toni!!! Miss you :(

Natasha Beccaria said...

Rob and i were cracking up because we think we saw our car driving the other way on Northville! LOL.

Suicidal turkeys? thats hysterical.

MamaCole said...

Great video, toni. And not just because i saw myself in the background of the girl with the cool scarf juggling thing. Wasn't that a great day?

I love your utube videos. how cool are you?

Lady Guru said...

a trip down memory lane! thanks for the spot on the dashboard, i felt like a bobble-head doll.

a GARLIC fest - wot-a-hoot(inanny)!! i'm inspired to go plant some garlic now. i didn't even know i could! and i luv luv luv garlic man and his coconut teets.

thanks, Ton, that was fun!